Diseases | Adult's Health | Acidity / GRED

Gastro-esophageal reflux disease or acid-reflux disease (GERD) is a condition in which the contents of the stomach reflux backwards into the esophagus (food pipe). Since the stomach contents are acidic in nature, this damages the inner lining of the food pipe and causes symptoms of heartburn, pain, etc.

The common symptoms of sinusitis include,
1) Dietary habits: Fatty and fried foods, chocolates, garlic and onions, drinks with caffeine, acid foods such as citrus fruits and tomatoes, spicy foods, mint flavorings, pungent foods, etc
2) Habits: Use of alcohol, cigarettes; poor posture (slouching) especially after meals
3) Drugs: Calcium channel blockers, antihistamines, theophylline, nitrates
4) Eating habits: Large meals, eating soon before sleeping
5) Other contributory conditions: Obesity, pregnancy, diabetes, rapid weight gain, etc
6) Stress: Though this has not been directly linked to GERD, most patients report an increase in their symptoms during stressful times.
7) Other medical conditions: Diabetes, pregnancy, Obesity

Homeopathic medicine has been found to be extremely effective for GERD:
Commonly used medicines are
1) Ars alb
2) Nuxvomica
3) Carbo veg
4) Phosphorus
5) Robinia
6) Bismuth
7) China ..Etc